Property Owners Association Welcome to the Miller Ranch Property Owners Association section of the new website. Feel free to explore and provide us with any feedback through the "Complaints and Concerns" button on the page! |
Board Members
Kori Beckman
Ty Ryan Jen Wanner Tim Nottingham Mike Spaid | Important Notices The MRPOA Board of Directors has scheduled their Board Meetings for 6:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month. The meetings will be held in the Valley Home Store conference room, which is located on the second floor of the Miller Ranch Community Center. All members of the Association are welcome to attend. Meetings are sometimes cancelled or rescheduled because of conflicts in Board Member schedules, so please contact Slifer Management Company prior to any meeting to confirm the date and time of the meeting. Also, since seating is very limited, please let Slifer Management Company know how many attendees to plan on. |